
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Cornwall CAMRA GBG Selection Meeting at Par

Monday 6 March 2023

On Saturday 18 February 2023 Cornwall CAMRA branch members converged on the Royal Inn at Par, also known as the Par Royal, for the serious task of selecting the 62 pubs for the 2024 Good Beer Guide which will be launched this autumn.

A long list of likely contenders had been nominated in January and surveyed by members in the meantime. The content of the GBG is complied afresh every year, but quite a few excellent pubs appear in every edition but only because they have earned a place. No pubs are automatically included.

To keep us going, The Royal Inn had tasty Exeter Ferryman and Sharp's Doom Bar and an enjoyable buffet half way through. A good day's work for CAMRA.

Cheers, Steve